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Health OK contains 32 nutrients with 4 super-nutrients (Ginseng, Taurine, and Amino-acids: L-Phenylalanine and L-Tryptophan. Health OK is indicated in General Debility / Weakness, Lethargy, Fatigue / Tiredness, Irritability, Poor Immunity, Convalescence and as supplement in chronic illness.
Role of key ingredients:
Ginseng helps in redistribution of accumulated Lactic acid into muscles and converts into energy.
Ginseng has immunomodulatory effects as it increases the formation of immunoglobulins.
Ginseng improves circulation in body including brain. Therefore, improves attention and prevents dementia.
Taurine improves insulin sensitivity and helps in conversion of carbohydrates into energy, therefore, acts as energy booster.
Amino Acids are important for absorption of vitamins and minerals & are building blocks of the body thus help in proper growth and development.
Amino Acids such as L-Phenylalanine and L-Tryptophan activates TCA cycle which helps production of energy in the form of ATP.
Use under Medical supervision